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Set Your Mind on Things Above
Featured Books
Our authors love the Lord and his Word.

Unlock the Mystery of Revelation
Discover a hermeneutic that takes the mystery out of numbers and images in Revelation. Discover also what makes the endtime system of the beast so deceptive. And why people buy into it at the end of the age.

Meet Jesus in the Gospel of John
Are you only vaguely interested in God? Do you know who Jesus truly is? Are you new in your relationship with him by faith? In a world where many women are unfamiliar with who Jesus truly is, “Meet Jesus in the Gospel of John” offers a welcoming path of discovery.

Living in Jesus Story
Explore Bible characters from the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts through the lens of the grand narrative of Jesus’ story. By focusing on key figures like Mary, Peter, and Paul, this series helps us understand our role in the larger story that has been unfolding for millennia.

Story Deep
Learn how to go beyond Roman numeral outlines and word studies to explore the rich depositories of meaning found in biblical narrative.

Jesus’s First Miracle
If God gave you the power to do miracles, what would you do first? Heal the sick? Feed the hungry? Make blind people see? Jesus had the power to do all of these and more. But he chose something else first. Find out which miracle Jesus performed ahead of all others and how it proved he is the Christ, the Son of God.
Exalt Publications is a full-service Christian publisher of materials and courses designed to increase Bible literacy and understanding of a Jesus-centric biblical worldview. Here are four priorities that set us apart…
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